(diagram 1)

" Aigakari " opening starts with both player's pushing Rook's Pawn .
1. P-2f P-8d
2. P-2e P-8e
(diagram 1)
When a beginner player sees diagram 1 as black , he might think white's Bishop's head (2c square ) is very weak and easily breakable .
But almost all advanced players move "3. G-7h " .
Why they don't move " 3. P-2c " ?
3. P-2d? Px2d
4. Rx2d P-8f
5. Px8f P*8g
6. P*2c Px8h+
7. Sx8h B*3e
8. R-2h Bx5g+
9. Px2b+ Rx2b
10. P*2c R-1b
11. B*2b P*2d
12. Bx1a+ Rx1a
13. Lx2g B*4e
14. Lx2d P*2g
After diagram 1 , Gote will get a great advantage with moves shown above .
There are some variations in the moves .
(1)5.P*2c instead of Px8f
5. P*2c Px8g+
6. Px2b+ Sx2b
Gote will get advantage .
(2)8.Px2b+ instead of 8.R-2h
8. Px2b+?? Bx2d
Gote gets a great advantage .
(3)9...Sx2b instead of 9...Rx2b
9...Sx2b ??
10. B*4e R-6b
11. P*5b!!
Sente gets a great advantage .
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